Free CPA Program Support


Semester 1 2025

Free access to Guided Learning (open from 13 January – 30 April 2025)

Your CPA Program subject enrolment gives you free access to all the videos, quizzes, practice exams and more.

  • 2 Full Length Practice Exams
  • 50+ Video Tutorials
  • Recorded Subject Webinars
  • PDF Downloads
  • Module and Revision Quizzes
  • Mid-Semester Test
  • Recorded Exam Preparation Webinar
  • Recorded Study Essentials Webinar
  • Recorded Boot Camp Webinar
  • Ask The Expert Forum

Guided learning available:  Monday 13 January – 30 April 2025

CPA Program Key dates


Want to start early for 2025? Use our Module 1 resources for all subjects in our free CPA Assist courses.

Just select your subject below, sign up and start.

CPA Program Subject Module 1 Free Resources Facebook Group YouTube Playlist
Ethics & Governance EG CPA Assist EG Facebook EG Videos – Youtube
Strategic Management Accounting SMA CPA Assist SMA Facebook SMA Videos – YouTube
Financial Reporting FR CPA Assist FR Facebook FR Videos – Youtube
Global Strategy and Leadership GSL CPA Assist GSL Facebook GSL Videos – Youtube
Advanced Audit & Assurance AAA CPA Assist AAA Facebook AAA Videos – Youtube
Australia Taxation AT CPA Assist AT & ATA Facebook AT Videos – Youtube
Australia Taxation – Advanced ATA CPA Assist AT & ATA Facebook ATA Videos – Youtube
Contemporary Business Issues CBI CPA Assist CBI Facebook CBI Videos – Youtube
Digital Finance DF CPA Assist DF Facebook DF Videos – Youtube
Financial Risk Management FRM CPA Assist FRM Facebook FRM Videos – Youtube


Got some questions? Please read our FAQs below

Practice exams with the same format, length and difficulty as the CPA Program exams. Practice exams are marked with detailed explanations so you can assess your performance, and they are are timed, giving you a real exam experience.

Recorded webinars each week to keep you on track.
Coverage of the trickier areas of the study guide.

1 – 5 minute videos that cover technical content. Short videos that address candidate pain points and trickier modules in the study guide.


Downloads like flowcharts, case studies, webinar slides and more to help you understand key content. Use these downloads in your CPA Program exam.

Here are some frequently asked questions

Once guided learning opens for the Semester, follow these steps:

Step 1 – Login to My Online Learning using your CPA ID and CPA password here.
Step 2 – Go to your subject and click the Access button to go directly to Guided Learning Support.

You get free access to our resources as part of your CPA Program enrolment. This includes over 50 videos per subject, a review quiz per module, Mini-Quizzes, recorded webinars, 2 practice exams, as well as the flowcharts, exercises and case studies. Most importantly, you get our support, our desire to motivate you, assist you and guide you through your CPA exam. As an added bonus, we will be the expert forum responders for you in MYOL.

The core subjects and the general electives are included.

Core: Ethics & Governance | Strategic Management Accounting | Financial Reporting | Global Strategy & Leadership

General Electives: Advanced Audit & Assurance | Australia Taxation | Australia Taxation – Advanced | Contemporary Business Issues | Digital Finance | Financial Risk Management

The CPA Program exams are assessed on a scaled score basis where 540 represents a passing scaled score. Please see the following link for more details:

Check out this blog post that explains how to get an estimated scaled score:

CPA Australia does not provide Past Exam Papers and as a result KnowledgEquity does not have any past exam papers. KnowledgEquity provides two full-length practice exams as as a range of tests and quizzes, which you are more than enough to prepare you for your exam.

We recommend doing Ethics & Governance first, then SMA, then FR. After that, choose 2 electives and finish with GSL>

If you are figuring out which electives to choose or what subject to do next check out this blog:

We provide support resources that help you tackle the harder, and sometimes more confusing parts of the different subjects. We do not replace the study guide. You are expected to read and understand the whole study guide because this is what your final exam is based on.

At KnowledgEquity, we believe that students don’t learn with just a quiz or a practice exam, and definitely don’t learn by trying to start studying in week 8.

You will gain full access to Guided Learning, once open for the new semester, when you re-enrol in the subject with CPA Australia. There is no separate rollover process with KnowledgEquity.

We record our webinars in advance so there are no live sessions (demand for paid live sessions is not great when the recordings are free). We no longer mark the extended response component of the practice exam as part of this partnership with CPA Australia.

During semester it is best to use the ‘Ask the Expert’ forum. Please note – if you ask for help we will first ask you to outline the work you have done to figure it out yourself, and then guide you from there.

Please email us at and we will be able to help you with your query.

KnowledgEquity is the Official Learning Partner of CPA Australia.